Case Studies

Other Businesses Grew, So Can Yours!

Bogdan Krstic SEO Specialist

River Islands Car Salon

Just judging by the site’s new looks, one can safely assume that my service was worth cost. But no.

Neil from River Islands Car Salon came to me with a struggling website that kept being ruined by every other freelancer he hired. Until he came to me.

The niche is mobile detailing services. We launched a new, rebuilt site at the end of March 2024 and the traffic almost instantly doubled.

This client was actually doing very well with his own DIY SEO around 1.5-2 years ago, but decided to hire some freelancers along the way. This is when his traffic tanked, as some of them deleted some of his well-performing pages for an unknown reason.

We simply brought most of the deleted pages back and added a few more new pages on top of them. And here are the results. This traffic is now coming to his homepage via brand searches, his new location pages, and his service pages. Surprisingly, his blogs also seemed to have benefited from this site rebuild.

And we still have yet to reach his performance from 2 years ago! He was getting around 400 clicks a month then. Find out more about this campaign by clicking the button below!

Car Detailing SEO Case Study

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