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Best Pressure Washing SEO Services

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Why SEO for
Pressure Washing Companies?

seo for pressure washers

For us to explain why you need SEO for your pressure washing company, you first need to understand how Google and its marketing work.

See the image to the right, or above if you’re on mobile. There are ads at the top, GBPs (Google Business Profiles) in the middle, and websites below.

Here are ratios of business being spread between these different types of listings:

  1. Ads get 2%-3% of business each
  2. GBPs get 15%-20% of the business each
  3. Website at the top gets 20%-30%, while others below it get much less

So, this data[1] shows us that the percentages are in favor of GBPs. It’s going to take you very long to become the #1 website for the most leads, but you can get to the top 3 with your GBP relatively quickly in most smaller to midsized cities.

To get some personalized data on how many customers you can get and how to get there quickly, click the button below and get your free SEO audit!

seo for pressure washers

Pressure Washing SEO Opportunities

The pressure washing market, at least in terms of SEO, is wide open. Here’s why.

The image on the left now (or, again, above if you’re on mobile) shows just how many people look for pressure washing services on Google in the city of Louisville, KY.

I added all of the different variations of search terms used together, and I got a total of over 2,100 searches per month for pressure washing on Google!

But the real key is the KD score all the way on the right. It says 21, but for others its lower. Essentially, anything below 15 is super easy, while 15-25 is still decently easy to rank in.

But Louisville is a big city. Most other smaller cities have scores under 15. This is probably the most accurate score out there in the SEO software space, and it shows that there is an oppotunity – big demand, but not hard to rank.

So, are you going to leverage this opportunity before the market gets flooded with SEO phenoms? 

If you were in Louisville, those 15%-20% of the customers I was talking about would amount to around 400 visits and around 20-25 leads per month from SEO alone, according to industry numbers[2].

Claim your free audit now!

Our SEO Services for Pressure Washing Companies

Local SEO

Helping one-location businesses get more customers, free up their owners' time, and grow in more areas.

Multilocation SEO

Have multiple locations for your pressure washing company? We'll help you open even more!

Multilingual SEO

Ideal for companies in California with Spanish speakers, Quebec with French, and so on. Multilingual SEO helps you reach multiple different audiences at once.

Nationwide SEO

If you serve nationwide, reach out for a custom nationwide SEO game plan! Our process is the same, whether you have one location or hundreds.

How We Rank Pressure Washing Websites

It’s very simple to explain, but when push comes to shove, it’s actually very demanding, especially if you have multiple locations for your pressure washing company. 

Most pressure washers outsource their SEO not because they can’t get it or aren’t smart enough, but simply because of the time constraints.

1. Website Content

Most websites from local businesses are terrible, including pressure washing websites.

Your website needs to build trust. Think of it as a virtual salesman. Here’s what it needs:

  • Adding a page for each of the services. Each page only talks about that service, what’s involved, who is it for, pricing, and answers other common question asked about that specific service. So, in your case, that’d maybe be a page for patios, a page for driveways, and so on.
  • A page for each of the areas you serve. Why do you need these? People Google “pressure washers Louisville” and “power washers Louisville KY”, not just “pressure washers” or “power washers Kentucky”. The way you get those customers to your site is by doing exactly this: making pages called Pressure Washers Louisville, Pressure Washers Middletown, and others.
  • “Trust” pages – About Us, Contact Us, Our Team page, Our Licenses/Certifications (if they apply), Our Reviews/Testimonials, Our Portfolio (gallery of your work, with Before and Afters).
  • Legal Pages. These won’t really get you customers, but will serve as protection. You need a Privacy Policy if you’re collecting any kind of leads from the site (note, we’re not legal experts and this is not legal advice).

Want to see how this looks like in action? Claim your free audit!

2. Business Mentions/Citations

Citations are your brand mentions throughout the web. Your GBP is your citation, along with your Yelp, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YellowPages, BBB, and others, as long as they are under your official business name.

I need to be able, as a customer, to Google your brand name and only see your profiles filled with reviews. Don’t you think that will build trust?

3. Portfolio and Reviews

Last but not least is getting reviews and showcasing your portfolio. This is more of a conversion factor than an SEO factor.

A great job is a given. Nobody will come to you twice if you mess up the first time (or don’t show up).

Think about it, when was the last time you revisited a bad restaurant where you ate something that gave you a stomachache? That’s right, neither did we!

If you’re struggling with this, we’ll work with you to develop a review acquisition strategy. So, get your audit now by clicking the red button!

Our Pricing

Our pricing is stupid simple. It’s also scalable.

$500 Per Month Per Website

Most companies have only one site, as they should.

$250 Per Month Per GBP

GBP being Google Business Profile.

This totals our pricing at $750 per month for one-location Pressure Washing SEO Services.


Many pressure washers ask how to get more commercial jobs, like hotels and restaurants, and here’s the answer – you get these jobs the same way as you would get any other type of job.

We’d target people looking for “commercial pressure washing,”  “hotel pressure washing,”  and similar searches on Google in your area.

On your website, we’d simply have a page about a commercial type of job we’d want only, ideally displaying your reviews, ratings, and accreditations you have only for those types of projects.

It goes without saying that the page will look professional, load quickly, and have a clear call to action – Get a Quote NOW!

This sounds so simple, yet too many companies out there:
1. Do not even have a website
2. The ones that do, have terrible sites
3. And then there are some who have nice looking websites, but it takes them forever to load. By then, your potential customer has already left the site and turned to a competitor

In the long run, pages like these will rank on Google and Maps for these keywords organically. This will bring you jobs for free that could turn out to be very valuable for you, both financially and network-wise.

Facebook posting doesn’t work as well for pressure washers. 

People are not on Facebook to look for pressure washing businesses. 

They are on Facebook to talk nonsense, look at memes, and chat with their friends. In other words, they are not in a buying mood unless you catch their attention.

What do I mean?

Facebook is attention-based marketing. You have to scream and shout with the best offer you have for them to even listen. Not to mention that organic, a.k.a., free posts reach maybe 2-5% of your audience.

So if you have 100 likes, 5 people will actually see your post. Facebook wants you to run ads.

It is not the best solution unless you come up with an offer or narrative that works (f.e. Increase Your Home’s Value With Our Pressure Washing for those who are planning to sell).

The good thing about Facebook is that you can go deep with targeting and reach people in the real estate market.

Unlike Facebook, Google is where people go when they know what they want. Buyer intent is much higher, and so is the ROI.

Buying leads from Angi and paying for each quote request might seem like a good idea. After all, results are instant, right?

This is not an ideal solution. HomeAdvisor and Angi do not work for many because the lead you paid for is not just yours, but it was also sent to 5 different pressure washers.

When buying leads, you are basically sharing that lead with competitors, and it’s a race to who will contact the lead first.

Move your focus to building your brand and reviews so that when people look for pressure washers in town, you are the clear #1 choice. Do not put money to the pocket of lead aggregators and build THEIR businesses, but rather build YOURS. We’ll help!

Sources and Citations

  1. FirstPageSage – Google Click-Through Rates (CTRs) by Ranking Position in 2024 By Evan Bailyn (Link)
  2. BrightLocal – Local Consumer Review Survey 2023 By Sammy Paget (Link)
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