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#1 Fire Damage Restoration SEO Services

fire damage restoration seo

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Customers Are Happy. So Are We!

Fire Damage Restoration SEO That Lands Large Loss Jobs

You’re likely thinking that fire damage SEO is going to be hard and that landing more fire restoration jobs will require substantial effort and an even more substantial investment. 

Well, if that’s the case, you’re wrong, my friend.

From our experience, fire damage restoration keywords are much easier to rank for than water damage restoration keywords.

We will rank your restoration website for fire restoration just as easily as we ranked ourselves for keywords like “fire damage SEO,”  “SEO for fire damage restoration,”  and others you’ve most likely found this page through.

So, let’s get to business. 

Click the button below, enter your website and company details, and we will send you a 100% free market research and website audit report stating just how many fire damage jobs you can get in your area every month through SEO.

fire damage repair seo
water damage harder to rank for than fire damage
fire damage keywords

Why is Fire Damage SEO Much Easier

Take a look at images on the left (or below if you’re on mobile). We ran a simple keyword research scan of the two search keywords: “water damage restoration Dallas” and “fire damage restoration Dallas”.

Now, on the right side of each image, you’ll see a column called “KD”. KD stands for Keyword Difficulty, which simply means how hard a keyword is to rank for on Google, based on a variety of factors we don’t really think it’s time to get into.

As you can see, the fire damage keyword has a KD that’s less than 6 than that of the water damage keyword.

This is a big deal, and it reflects in real experience.

Fire damage keywords can be ranked much more easily than water damage keywords, simply because the perception by many marketing companies is that the jobs are less lucrative, and hence they don’t go after them as much.

However, this couldn’t be any further from the truth.

Fire damage jobs are usually worth a lot more, and it’s not rare that fire damage keywords also have water damage and mold from the extinguishers.

The only setback is that fire damage in general has less search volume than water damage.

And while this is true, it’s still not a reason why you shouldn’t include fire restoration SEO as a core part of your overall restoration SEO strategy.

Rank for fire damage faster than for water damage, and start landing jobs and getting that SEO ROI faster than you would if you were to just focus on water damage.

How SEO for Fire Damage Restoration Works

It works the same way any type of local SEO works. But, specifically in the restoration industry, you need to put an emphasis on delivering what your potential customers want to see on your website and Google Business Profile FAST.

Here’s what we mean:

  1. The website HAS to load fast. Remember, your customers are having a real-life emergency. It’s probably the worst thing they’ve ever experienced. So, you need to have a FAST WEBSITE so that they can quickly find out who you are, what you do, your reviews, and then your phone number.
  2. Speaking of, put your phone number, key bullet points about your business, and a great review right “above the fold”. Above-fold simply means the first interface a customer sees when they land on your site without having to scroll.
  3. Structure your website like you see in the image on the right (or, again, below if on mobile). It’s the best way to ensure SEO success.
  4. Put your Google Business Profile on the website by adding an HTML code in the page builder you’re using.
  5. Properly optimize your Google Business Profile and focus on collecting reviews.

If you want to see specific steps for YOUR fire restoration business, claim the free restoration SEO audit.

water damage website example

Our Fire Restoration SEO Services

Local SEO

Helping one-location businesses get more customers, free up their owners' time, and grow in more areas.

Multilocation SEO

Have multiple locations? We'll help you open even more with multilocation SEO.

Multilingual SEO

Ideal for companies in California with Spanish speakers, Quebec with French, and so on.

Nationwide SEO

If you serve nationwide, reach out for a custom nationwide SEO game plan!

More FAQs!

As far as we know, fire damage restoration, smoke and odor removal, and other related services are the core of many restoration companies out there.

However, having that said, we have seen some restoration companies not offering it, so if you’re one of them, here are our thoughts.

Fire restoration is a lucrative service. The average job value can easily reach five figures, and if the house also has water and mold, you’re in for a great venture.

Many restoration companies have very high profit margins of 40% or more, so just landing 1-2 additional fire damage jobs per month consistently could add an additional six figures to your business per year.

You make the call.

Yes, we sure can. We help customers with the following growth tactics:

    1. Getting leads from new markets. This is achieved through opening new locations on Google Maps and then getting the jobs before you even fully commit to a new business location.
    2. Getting new types of jobs. This is great for customers who are only currently getting a specific type of job more than others. Let’s say you’re currently doing residential-only work and want more commercial loss recovery jobs – we can help with that.
    3. BOTH. Yes, we can help you get more leads for more types of services at the same time.

Google Ads are insanely expensive in the restoration niche. For example, water damage keywords cost $100, $200, or even more PER CLICK (not per lead, just a click to your website).

Now, fire damage keywords are just a little bit cheaper, but the difference is still small.

I’d say if you’re not ready to spend AT LEAST $5,000-$7,500 on Google Ads just to TEST the market, don’t even consider them.

For that budget, you can get over 6 months of full-service restoration SEO work, not just for water damage restoration or fire damage restoration but for all services you might be selling, which is often more than enough to start getting consistent work, and see results.

We also provide water damage SEO and mold removal SEO.

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