More Mold Remediation Calls!

#1 Mold Remediation SEO Services

mold removal seo

As Seen In:

Mold Removal SEO Services That Get Jobs

Mold removal is a lucrative service that is usually more in demand on Google than water and fire restoration by around 30%-40% based on our own experience.

Now, the trick is separating marketing for mold removal and mold inspection, a much lower-ticket service.

Mold calls can be very problematic and not as targeted at times. The lead calls and only thinks that there is mold in their house and can’t really figure it out, so they called you.

“Hey, I have a black spot on my wall; it smells moldy, but I am not sure. Can you guys help me?”


Many restoration companies, and probably you as well, don’t want mold inspection calls. Only mold remediation.

This is exactly what we’ll help you achieve. 

multilocation seo keywords
landing page for water damage restoration

How Can We Help You Get More Mold Remediation Jobs With SEO FAST

We’re not just “optimizers”. We’re here to make you money.

As you can see, we clearly speak your language. We understand the mold removal industry from A to Z, along with fire and water restoration industries.

We know how valuable these jobs can be for you and what profit margins you’re typically dealing with, hence our pricing being more than worth it.

We’ll take your existing website in and implement quick changes to squeeze out as many jobs out of the existing website traffic you already have.

This means that, unless you’re brand new to the industry and have no web presence whatsoever, you can feel our impact on your bottom line very quickly.

The way we do this is by making your landing pages (pages on your site meant to convert traffic into leads) more conversion-oriented.

We’ll add more reviews, more badges, and other bullet points that will make your company look much more trustworthy and therefore bring you more calls.

Want to see exactly what we’ll do? Get your free website audit today!

Buying Mold Leads Vs Mold Damage SEO

You may be impatient. You want mold calls now, and are ready to pay whatever it takes to get them.

Well, that’s exactly the mindset of many restoration business owners that led to the ridiculous costs of mold removal leads and traffic from Google Ads. 

Mold leads (calls) can cost up to $500 or even more from some lead sellers, while clicks on Google Ads can cost up to $50-$100 per click. 

This is why SEO is becoming more and more valuable. If you could generate organic leads without paying for each for YEARS, how much money would that keep in your pocket?

A lot.

Now, that’s not to say that buying leads doesn’t have it’s pros. It certainly does. But many restoration company owners complain in forums that their “fast leads” are jobs that turn out to not be as high-ticket as their lead sellers promised them.

And SEO doesn’t even take that long. We can rank you in most smaller suburbs around your area in less than a month (that’s not a guarantee, though, just comes from our existing experience).

Claim your free mold restoration SEO audit and get more accurate insight into your local market, competition, demand, and what will it take to get to the top of Google.

water damage website example

Our Mold Abatement SEO Services

Local SEO

Helping one-location businesses get more customers, free up their owners' time, and grow in more areas.

Multilocation SEO

Have multiple locations? We'll help you open even more with multilocation SEO.

Multilingual SEO

Ideal for companies in California with Spanish speakers, Quebec with French, and so on.

Nationwide SEO

If you serve nationwide, reach out for a custom nationwide SEO game plan!


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